Construction Industry Experts

Construction Accident Representation.

Decades of Union Experience

Construction Accident Law Firm

For 14 years, Zaremba Brown has been a trusted and proven law firm dedicated to the men and women in the Construction and Building Trades. We guide our clients through every aspect of the legal process and offer industry insight and the expertise needed to successfully navigate the complexities of construction accident cases.

Aggressive Trade Union Lawyers

We recovered millions of dollars for injured workers, including more than $40,000,000 in the past year. Our current and past client list includes members of:

  • Sheet Metal Workers Local 28
  • IAM 15
  • TWU Local 101
  • LIUNA Local 147 Sandhogs
  • Laborers Local 79
  • SBA 
  • PBA
  • Sheet Metal Workers Local 137
  • Cement Masons Local 780
  • LIUNA Asbestos Workers 78
  • Laborers Local 12A 
  • Plasters Local 262

Workers' Compensation Lawyers and an Investigative Powerhouse

A timely and aggressive investigation is the key to a successful construction accident case. Therefore, we employ a full-time investigative staff headed by Union Member and Retired Sgt. John Fiordaliso, the City Wide Liaison for the S.B.A.


To ensure that every client receives the maximum recovery possible, our team of expert physicians and economists fully evaluate the extent of all injuries. We also use state-of-the-art visual graphics and demonstratives to prove these injuries at trial.

New York Law Firm Led by Industry Experts

John Zaremba is the head of our Construction Practice. He has vast experience in defending and prosecuting construction accident cases. John frequently lectures on worksite safety.

Construction Accident Representation

Featured Results

for a Union Carpenter
For a Union Carpenter that fell from a ladder and sustained internal injuries. This case was settled after the plaintiff was granted summary judgment and trial was weeks away.
for a union carpenter
$10,600,000 jury verdict in Bronx county Supreme Court for a union carpenter who was struck by a falling object. Plaintiff sustained injuries to his spine and brain and the Bronx County jury agreed that he could never return to work.
settlement for a pair of union laborers
$9,300,000 settlement for a pair of union laborers with back and neck injuries. This case settled on the literal eve of trial after the court rules that plaintiffs were entitled to summary judgement on Labor Law Section 240(1).
for a union laborer
$9,000,000 for a union laborer who fell through a hole and fractured his leg. This case was settled on the eve of the trial.